Through My Lens, March 2024

I think it would be fair to say that me and my photography have been experiencing a rather difficult patch in our relationship of late, in fact I’ve become rather bored with myself (photographically speaking!). I feel a change on it’s way but I’m not yet sure what it is, perhaps it’s an idea for a project or maybe a change in direction, but what I do know is that I won’t discover what it is if I’m not picking up my camera.

One thing I do know is that it’s time to move on from still life and flower photography, neither of these feel creatively fulfilling or challenging at the moment. I made the decision at the beginning of the year to leave these genres behind me, for 2024 at least. So of course my first camera outing in March was to a garden! Oh the irony….

I discovered a SheClicks* meetup planned at the RHS Bridgewater gardens and despite my decision I went along for the social aspect as much as the photography. The gardens are beautiful as you would expect although I often find them very busy, especially in the summer months.

 A week or so later I took my camera on one of my walks from home with the intention of photographing whatever really spoke to me. I have the sense that it’s on my walks I’ll uncover where I should be heading. On this particular day the things that spoke the loudest where the curves of the grasses that swayed in the breeze, the blossoms that weren’t disheartened by the fact that they were growing on a broken branch and the steps and footbridges that have been the start of countless walks for many years.

And finally I took the camera on another walk nearby, it’s one of those walks where you have to turn around at some point and retrace your steps. Not my favourite sort of walk really however I love this one for the wide open spaces and sense of freedom that makes my soul soar. And there’s the greenhouse…

I have walked past this greenhouse for many years and watched the contents grow until they filled the interior and some broke free. It’s an endless source of intrigue and attached to a very large property that appears equally neglected.

And that’s my month in photographs, I finished the month no clearer about where I’m headed but having enjoyed taking my camera on my wanderings. One of my aims for this year is to simplify in terms of equipment and I intend to use a very limited range of lenses for the whole year and I generally only take one lens out with me. Of course they always tend to be Lensbaby lenses! The garden photos were all taken with the Double Glass II with the whirlpool disc and all the others with the Trio 28. I’ve had the Trio quite some time but not used it a great deal, I’m starting to realise it’s a great little walkabout lens and it’s likely to be my go to lens for much of 2024.

Just a little reminder that if you are buying from my ambassador code wBroughton will save you 10% on most items (I also earn a small commission). I’m always happy to offer impartial advice on Lensbaby products so do feel free to use the Contact Page if you have any questions.

**SheClicks is a group that supports and encourages female photographers of all levels – click here to visit the Facebook group.

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